Diploma Course

Data Science
About the Program

Data Science using Python and R is a certification program for engineering graduates, diploma holders, and any other degree graduates with Computer programming backgrounds.

The course provides comprehensive training to students in the field of Data Science by way of interaction, projects, presentations, industrial visits, practical training, job orientation, and placements.

It is a perfectly designed certification course for aspiring graduates. • The certified graduates are known to excel at developing the Data science application, data visualization, and analysis.

They are expected to select the proper tools and techniques, take the appropriate decisions at the right time, and ensure that the same are implementedproperly.

The course allows you to obtain the knowledge and skills needed to assume Data analytics positions in a wide range of organizations.

Salient features:
  • Focused learning in Data Science, Computational Intelligence, and High Performance Computing.
  • Practical application-oriented teaching.
  • Hands-on knowledge of Python and R.
  • Electives choices to take a deeper knowledge in a specific domain of Data Science.
  1. This course will give you a practical grounding in the field of Data Science and will take you deeper into a specific domain based on the elective chosen.
  2. This course focuses on practical, real-life applications from various segments namely industries, institutes, governments, etc., underpinned by academic theory and research, preparing you for success anywhere in the world.
  3. The objective of introducing this course was to enable self-employment and provide skilled professionals in Python and R in the field of Data Science and Big Data Analytics.
  4. This course will aid you in the process of acquiring knowledge in the areas of Machine Learning and deep learning, High-Performance Computing platforms, Data Science, Big Data Analytics, Python, and R.
  5. A blend of Interaction, Presentations, Projects, Industrial Visits, and Practical Training is used to build the skill set of Data Science students to enable them to produce innovative solutions to problems, apply research skills to business challenges, and communicate effectively.

Duration: 6 months

  • Acquire knowledge about general aspects of Computational Intelligence and deep learning, High-Performance Computing platforms, Data Science, Big Data Analytics, Python, and R.
  • Describe the role of the various technologies in solving the data science applications and also will be able to overcome the limitations.
  • Analyse the various tools and techniques and select the appropriate ones based on the application specifications.
  • Apply the knowledge to design a solution for a problem, select the appropriate tools and techniques based on the application specifications, and implement using Python and R platforms.
  • Evaluate the various tools and techniques and the design models for their performance w.r.t. to the problem under consideration. Compare the results and deduce the suitable results to finalize the solution.
  • Create new methods, tools, and techniques to solve the issues that are not solvable with the available methods.

After the completion of Data Science using Python and R course, candidates have various career options to choose from. Candidates who are keen to go for further higher studies can get an edge over others in their selection to masters programs.

Listed below are some of the popular job roles for certified professionals:

  • Data Scientist
  • Big Data Analyst
  • Data Analyst
  • Data Engineers
  • Database Administrator
  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Data Architect
  • Statistician
  • Business Analyst
  • Data and Analytics Manager
  • Artificial Intelligence Engineer
  • B.E./B.Tech. in any branch of engineering.
  • Candidates with BSc, MSc, BCA, MCA.
  • AMIE in any branch of engineering.
  • Diploma in any branch of engineering.
  • A background of statistics, Data Structure, Computer Organization and Architecture, Operating Systems, and Database Management Systemswill be an added advantage.

Total Credits: 20 and duration 6 months

Sr. No. Module Total (Hrs/Week) Credits Total Credits
Introduction to Python, Excel & SQL

Python: Introduction to Python and IDEs, Python Basics, Object-Oriented Programming
Excel: Excel Fundamentals, Excel For Data Analytics, Data Visualization with Excel, Excel Power Tools, Classification Problems using Excel, Information Measure in Excel, Regression Problems Using Excel
SQL: SQL Basics, Advanced SQL, Deep Dive into User Defined Functions, SQL Optimization, and Performance

20 30 25 75 03
Python for Data Sciences

Extract Transform Load, Data Handling with NumPy, Data Manipulation Using Pandas, Data Pre-processing, Data Visualization etc…

20 30 25 75 03
Machine Learning

Introduction to Machine Learning, Regression, Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Reinforcement learning, Performance Metrics

20 30 25 75 03
Data Science with R Programming

Introduction to R, R Packages, Sorting Data Frame, Matrices, and Vectors, Reading Data from External Files, Generating Plots, Association Rule Mining, Regression in R, Database Connectivity with R, R Case Studies

20 30 25 75 03
Project-based Case studies

Prediction, Analytics, customer churn detection,income classification, bank fraud detection,Understand Bank customer data, sentiment analysis, Understanding Financial data and prediction,Understand Agricultural Data etc

- - 50 50 08
Grand Total Credits 20

Examination will be conducted as multiple choice questions(MCQs)/Assignments/Case study problems

Sr. No. Module Examination Scheme
1 Introduction to Python, Excel & SQL 20 30 25 75
2 Python for Data Sciences 20 30 25 75
3 Machine Learning 20 30 25 75
4 Data Science with R Programming 20 30 25 75
5 Project-based Case studies - - 50 50
Total 80 120 150 350

Rs. 65000 only.

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