Certificate Program

Gender Justice and Feminists Jurisprudence

This course aims to focus on discrimination on the ground of sex and non- heterosexuality in the extant law and judicial decisions. It also explores the jurisprudential explanations for the existing state of affairs. It focuses on the patriarchal nature of state and family and contemporary feminist and queer debates.

  • To focus on discrimination on the ground of sex and non- heterosexuality in the extant law and judicial decisions.
  • To explore the jurisprudential explanations for the existing state of affairs.
  • To focuses on the patriarchal nature of state and family and contemporary feminist and queer debates.
  • To introduce students to key writings, concepts, principles and discourses in feminist jurisprudence.
  • To enable the students to critically examine statutes and judgments through the feminist lens.
  • To facilitate informed discussions and deliberations among students on law and gender justice in India.

Duration: 3 months

Gender Justice and Feminists Jurisprudence course is a 3 months online program.

Unit/Module Description Duration/No. of Hrs
1 Gender Equality and Human Rights 04
2 Transgender COmmunity and Gender Justice in India 04
3 "VAWG vis avis Sexual andReprOductive Health and Rights - New Vistas in Law" 04
4 Gender-Based apprOach tO Health Rights 04
5 Gender and Migration 04
6 "Marriage, Law & family - Changes under GlObalization” 04
7 Feminists Jurisprudence 04
8 Gandhiji & Empowerment Of WOmen 04
9 International Criminal Law & Gender based Violence 04
10 Reproductive and Body related rights of Women 04
11 Gender & climate Change 04
12 Affirmative Action in the Era of Globalisation 04
13 Women’s Pursuit Of Justice: Role of U.N. 04
14 Female Feticide in India: The issues and Concerns 04
15 Emerging Trends in Gender Justice 04

Rs. 45000 only.

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