Admission Rules
- Students will not be allowed to Change the Selection of the program after the enrollment is done.
- Students have to ensure that they have made the right selection of program and have read the program details carefully before applying.
- Transfer of Admission from one program/ D. Y. PATIL UNIVERSITY ONLINE / OR to REGULAR programs within the campus cannot be done.
- Admission will be offered based on the priority of program(s) mentioned by the student in the Online Application form. So applicants have to ensure that they mention the correct program preference.
- Any change in the application form fields/ submission of supporting documents will only be allowed before the commencement of the session.
- If any statement furnished by the student is found incorrect at any time, he/she will be liable to be debarred permanently from the program, and will not be eligible to apply to any other program in the Institute.
- Eligibility rules as specified for each program shall be strictly followed and shall not be relaxed under any circumstances. Candidate should satisfy himself/herself that he / she fulfills the eligibility requirements prescribed for the admission to the concerned program of the study.
- The Final Admission of International Students will be confirmed only after Verification of Original Certificates and Payment of the required fees.
- Candidates awaiting the result of qualifying examination may also apply for admission with the clear understanding that their selection will be entitled to admission only if they fulfill all eligibility requirements of the concerned program of study at the time of admission.
- Candidate is required to produce the self attested scan documents of the original Mark sheets / Certificates, including the statement of the marks qualifying examinations with the requisite percentage of marks at the time of reporting registration, failing which he/she shall not be allowed to complete the admission, and the offer of admission shall stand cancelled and no further correspondence in the matter shall be entertained.
- A candidate, who has been admitted provisionally, pending results of the final year examination of the qualifying degree, should procure the final mark-sheet and migration certificate as soon as these are made available after declaration of results, and submit the same to the Academic Section. The last date for submitting these documents should be adhered to of the academic year, failing which his/her admission will be cancelled. No relaxation will be made to this rule.
- Changes, if any, made in the admission rules and/or in the eligibility criteria from time to time shall be applicable to candidates seeking admission in the D. Y. PATIL UNIVERSITY ONLINE even after notification.
- Admission shall not be transferred from one program of study to another, under any circumstances.
- A candidate whose qualifying examination is not recognized by this university shall not be eligible for admission. All such Applicants/admissions shall be rejected/canceled.
- No correspondence shall be made to a candidate not selected for admission.
- The selected candidate shall be allotted program / Branch / Main Subject / Specialization on merit as per their preference indicated in the Application Form.
- All admission shall be provisional until document verification is completed.
- No candidate shall be admitted unless he/she has completed all the eligibility requirements at the time of admission. Candidates awaiting results of their Supplementary / Improvement examination shall be considered for admissions but they have to ensure the relevant documents as per the eligibility requirement for admission is duly submitted by time as per the timelines of submissions mentioned.
- International students will not have to submit any Migration Certificate from their Institution/ University last attended at the time of admission.
- If any error/omission in the processing/verification of certificates/documents of a candidate is detected after the candidate is admitted to a program in D Y PATIL UNIVERSITY ONLINE, the Institute has the right to cancel such admission at any stage at which error/omission is detected. If it is found, at the stage, that a candidate, a) doesn't not fulfil the eligibility requirements; b) has used fraudulent means to secure admission; c) has made false or incorrect statements in the application form, has not signed / marked thumb impression on the application form or somebody else has done so on his / her behalf. He / She shall not be allowed to complete the admission formalities, or in the case already admitted, his / her admission shall be cancelled, ipso facto.
- Each program leading to the passing certificate comprises a predefined set of programs of study. This may include a number of programs, a research dissertation, internships, and other activities, each of which is assigned specific credits or maybe non-credited, but compulsory. Each program is defined by a minimum requirement of total credits to be completed satisfactorily for the purpose of the passing certificate, within a stipulated minimum and a maximum period of study.
- A student may be allowed to withdraw temporarily from the study program, provided he/she has successfully completed the first semester or before joining the program.
- A student must satisfactorily complete all compulsory requirements, and accumulate the requisite credits as on date of completion of a particular program in order to become eligible for the certificate.
- Discipline : Allnternational Students will abide by the rules of the Institute and the code of conduct as applicable to Indian students doing the same program.
- Examination and Certificate : The procedure for examination, payment of examination fees, issue of grade cards, issue of passing certificates will be the same as that for the Indian students doing the same program.